UPCOMING MATCH – Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing.

The Aurora Soccer Club shall adhere to the Harassment Policy as published and approved by The Ontario Soccer (OS) from time to time.
The Harassment Policy shall apply to all employees, directors, officers, volunteers, coaches, and game officials, administrators, players, members, visitors and registrants of the Aurora Soccer Club.
Harassment is defined as any comment, conduct, or gesture which is insulting, intimidating, humiliating, malicious, degrading or offensive. It includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment.
The Aurora Soccer Club shall make available to any Member the Harassment Policy when requested at Info@AuroraSoccerClub.com
Code of Conduct
The Aurora Soccer Club (ASC) is committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable soccer experience for all guests in and around our facility. All Participants, Members & Fans have a right to expect and enjoy an environment:
• Where they are encouraged to cheer, sing, and otherwise support their team while remaining respectful and courteous to their fellow patrons, referees, opposing team fans and players.
• Free from fighting, thrown objects, attempts to enter the field, political or inciting messages, and disorderly behaviour, including foul, sexist, racial, obscene or abusive language or gestures.
• Where they comply with requests from ASC officials regarding Club policies and emergency response procedures.
• Where Alcoholic beverages are consumed in a responsible manner and only by those of legal age.
• Where they conduct themselves in a lawful manner.
Failure to abide by this Code of Conduct at Aurora Soccer Club Park or while attending any ASC Club event regardless of venue, is subject to sanctions at the discretion of the Board, including ejection, suspension, arrest and banishment from all ASC events. We thank you for adhering to the provisions of this Code of Conduct and for making this event special and memorable to you and your fellow patrons.
For greater clarity, and without limiting the foregoing, the following actions will result in
ejection from Aurora Soccer Club Park and/or the issuance of a trespass notice:
• smoking in non-designated areas.
• fighting, taunting, or threatening remarks or gestures
• any disruption to the progress of the event by a guest’s actions
• possession of a Prohibited Item
• throwing objects of any kind
• intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol or drug consumption
• failure to comply with requests from club staff regarding facility policies and emergency response procedures
• any act which in the opinion of ASC officials presents a risk to safety.
ASL Discipline
The policy defines the discipline policy to be used for players and teams competing in the Aurora Soccer League (ASL). This document follows the framework provided by the Ontario Soccer (OS) as found in “Section 12 – Discipline” of the most current version of the Operational Procedures.
Application: This policy applies to any player or team official that is registered in the Aurora Soccer League (ASL). Any Aurora Soccer Club (ASC) team playing in an outside league (non ASL) will be subject to the discipline policy of the league in which they are registered. Players and team officials will be responsible for adhering to the discipline policy that applies to them and paying all fines that result from any violations of the discipline policy.
Harassment: Notwithstanding any suspensions and/or fines resulting from the discipline process outlined in this policy document a player or team official is also subject to the Aurora Soccer Club Harassment Policy which may result in additional actions taken beyond those of the discipline process.
a) The Aurora Soccer League (ASL) will follow the Discipline by Review process as outlined in the document OS Operational Procedures, Section 12 – Discipline, Procedure 5.0 – Discipline Systems.
b) Any player ejected from a game will have Discipline by Review (DBR) at the appropriate Discipline Meeting as scheduled by the league.
c) A player has a right to request a hearing rather than have their red card dealt with under Discipline by
Review. Each request for a hearing must be sent to the Aurora Soccer Club discipline@aurorasoccerclub.com not more than 48 hours following the game in question. Each scheduled hearing requires a hearing fee of $75. This fee must be paid prior to the hearing.
d) Any party required to attend a hearing may request one (1) postponement of a hearing as per the Ontario Soccer Discipline Policies. The requesting party must submit a request in writing, with the postponement fee in the form of a recorded payment of $50.00, no later than four (4) days prior to the date of that hearing, stating the reason for requesting the postponement. Should the request be denied, the fee shall be refunded. The Aurora Soccer League shall have full discretion to refund the “Request for Postponement Fee” if sufficient reason warrants such action. No fee is payable by the person(s) who filed the misconduct report(s) on which the charge(s) is/are based.
e) In all cases, additional suspension/fines may result following the scheduled review of the discipline case by the discipline committee.
f) The league is not obliged to notify carded players as to the date of their hearing except to follow the scheduled discipline dates as laid out by the discipline chairperson.
g) An accused party may plead guilty and forego a hearing as per the Ontario Soccer Discipline Policies. Such a request must be made in writing no later than four (4) days prior to the date of the hearing.
h) An accused has the right to bring witnesses, an advisor, and observers to any Discipline Hearing as per the Ontario Soccer Discipline Policies (please refer to the Policies for definitions)
i) Government issued photo ID will be used to confirm the players identity and must be presented to the discipline committee at the hearing.
j) Suspensions will be posted on the ASC website https://aurorasoccerclub.com within 24 hours of the DBR meeting and will commence immediately following being posted.
k) If found not guilty, the hearing fee will be returned. Failure to appear will result in an immediate suspension until the hearing is held. The accused must then request a new hearing, in writing, and will be subject to a $100 fine in addition to the hearing fee of $75.
l) The League will follow OS Standard Penalties for Misconduct as outlined in the document OS Operational Procedures, Section 12 – Discipline, Procedure 9.0 – Standard Penalties for Misconduct.
m) All suspensions will have a minimum $25 fine attached that must be paid to the league prior to the end of the suspension. If the fine remains unpaid, the player will remain suspended from all soccer activities until the fine is paid.
n) Every club is required to take all precautions necessary to prevent its players, officials and spectators from behaviour detrimental to the game. No person or group shall bet on any game.
o) Players/team officials being ejected in the last league game of the season shall automatically miss the first playoff game. Players/team officials being ejected in the quarterfinal playoff game shall automatically miss the semifinal playoff game. Players/team officials being ejected in the semifinal playoff game shall automatically miss the final playoff game.
p) Players or team officials participating in a game while under suspension will result in forfeiture of that game and be subject to further disciplinary action as well as a fine to the team official/player of up to $500.00 per occurrence.
q) An individual accused of an alleged Game Official Assault will be suspended immediately from all soccer activity and will remain suspended pending a hearing by the Discipline Panel acting as an Ontario Soccer Discipline Hearing Panel. The following individuals must attend the hearing in person: the accused; the person(s) submitting the report(s); and the Club Representative. Any suspension that is assessed following a Discipline Panel decision will include any period of suspension already served.
ASL Rules
1. The laws of the game
Shall be those adopted by the International Football (Soccer) Association Board and known as FIFA laws of the game and shall come into force as mandated by the Canadian Soccer Association.
2. Membership
1. Clubs will be accepted into membership in accordance with the Constitution of the Aurora Soccer League – ASL-S and OS policies on leagues.
2. All clubs will receive a copy of the League Constitution and League Rules at the AGM.
3. A Team that is registered to play in the ASL-S cannot register as a team to play in a different league during the same season.
4. All individuals and clubs will act in accordance with published rules.
5. Clubs may be expelled from the league for failing to abide by published rules or for conduct on or off the field that calls the league into disrepute.
3. Applications
1. The Team Bond and League Fee for each team must accompany the application and be received by the League. As per application form.
2. Any team application submitted by a club after the deadline may be accepted at the discretion of the League and will be subject to a late fee. As per application form.
3. All new teams submitting an application will be entered in the lowest level of the applicable competition category.
4. Any team application received without full payment will be deemed to be incomplete and will not be added to the league.
4. Withdrawals
1. Teams withdrawing from the League prior to April 1st, will receive the league fee and performance bond, less administration fee. See application dorm.
2. Teams withdrawing from the League April 1st and after will forfeit the entire league fee and bond, collected to that point.
3. If a team withdraws from the league and has played more than 50% of its scheduled league games, all scores of games played prior will be retained and all future games will be scored as 3-0 results in favour of the opposing teams.
4. If a team withdraws from the league and has played less than 50% of its scheduled league games, all scores of games will be deleted from the records.
5. A club withdrawing a team may be prohibited from entering a team in the League in the next year in the same division at the discretion of the League.
5. League Season/Games
1. The playing season shall commence as early as possible in May (Typically post May stat holiday) and shall conclude with the final scheduled (and re-scheduled) games of the League which must be completed by September 30 unless otherwise determined by the League.
2. The league blocks from the schedule the Saturday, Sunday and Monday of Victoria Day, Canada Day (if it falls on a Friday or Monday), Simcoe Day and Labour Day. No other blocks of dates are permitted.
3. Teams must complete all games as scheduled or (rescheduled) by the League.
4. The duration of all matches will be two forty-five-minute halves, with a five-minute halftime interval.
5. Substitutions will be unlimited in number and shall be permitted at a kick off, a goal, a goal kick, or an injury at the discretion of the referee. In the Women’s Divisions and the Masters Division, substitutions on throw-ins are permitted on your own possession. If the team in possession elects to make any substitution, the opposing team may “piggyback” and substitute as well with the referee’s permission. No substitution in cup/playoff games following completion of the game prior to the penalty kick shootout.
6. A grace period of fifteen (15) minutes will be permitted in the event that a team has less than seven players at the appointed kick off time.
7. A team must start the game immediately upon the arrival of the seventh player.
8. At the end of the grace period, a team with less than seven players will be in default and shall forfeit the points to the opposing team.
9. Default games will be recorded as 3-0 in favour of the team not in default.
10. In the event that both teams have less than seven players, both teams will be in default and no points will be awarded.
11. Teams found in default, will be fined. SEE DISCIPLINE SECTION FOR CURRENT FEES.
6. Player Registration
1. Each team must have eleven players registered via the ASL by May 1, in order to be eligible to play in the ASL-S outdoor season. Non-compliant teams will be fined $100.00, which must be paid before first scheduled league game to avoid forfeit of game. Each game will be forfeited until fee is paid.
2. Official OSA rosters must be submitted to the League Administrator by May 1 of each season. A player must be registered one day prior to participating in a league game and 7 days prior to a cup game. Any roster revision must be in the hands of the League Administrator prior to participating in a league game and 7 days prior to participating in a cup game. Clubs must update the league with any player movement/changes immediately by faxing/emailing an updated OSA roster.
3. Any player claiming not to have previously played for another team must present a signed statement to that effect.
4. Coaches/captains will provide their team player id cards for the referee with their game sheet at game time. All players on game sheet must have an ASC player card id even callups. One representative of each team has the right to inspect the opposing players’ books against the opposing team’s game sheet. It shall be the responsibility of the team official to notify the Referee of any discrepancy. The Referee shall record such comments and mark “Game played with Protest” in his report to the league and shall have the player against whom the complaint is lodged sign the back of the team sheet.
5. Teams may inspect opponents’ Player Registration Cards before commencement of the game or during half time, up until the end of the half-time break, except for late arriving players, whose card must be presented prior to entering the field of play if requested by the opposing team.
6. No additional names may be added to the game sheet once the second half commences. Only players whose names appear on the game sheet may take part in the game.
7. Save for provision of proof to the contrary, a player whose name appears on the game sheet shall be deemed to have played. Captains are responsible to remove players who do not play in the specific game and by removing them from the game sheet before the end of the half time period.
8. A player may be registered for two ASL-S recreational teams only (not of the same division). A player may not register for a competitive team and a recreational team in a single ASL-S season. For example, a player cannot register for two different O35 teams even in different divisions. A player cannot register for a Masters team and a men’s competitive team.
9. July 31st of each outdoor season shall be the last date to register players for a team playing in the ASL-S.
10. Each team may register up to 25 players as per OS rules. Allowances up to 30 may be made with the Leagues permission.
11. A team playing an ineligible player shall forfeit any game(s) in which the player played, and shall be subject to further disciplinary action.
12. A player who is registered with a team in the ASL-S and with any other club shall not be permitted to “play up” to a different ASL-S team from the other club. A player who is registered to more than one club and plays a game for any ASL-S team in league or cup competition shall be “club-tied” for the remainder of that playing season. The team who uses such player who is club-tied to a different club team shall be charged with playing an ineligible player.
13. To make any changes to the player roster, a copy of the updated roster must be stamped by the District Association and submitted to the ASL-S, by fax or by email, a minimum of 24 hours prior to the next game.
14. Team officials must carry the OS player cards, referee payment (Home team) and if required the applicable permits to all games.
15. Failure to provide the game sheet, player books and applicable permits if requested will result in forfeiture of the game.
16. Only players for whom cards, trial permits, or temporary registration permits as applicable are made available for inspection may have their names entered on the game sheet and be eligible to play. The No Cards, No Play rule is always in effect.
7. Transfer of Players
1. A registered player who wishes to transfer shall apply to the ASL administrator who will determine feasibility and where agreed, make the necessary system changes.
2. A registered player shall not be allowed to transfer during the year of such registration without the consent of the ASL, which operates the team for which he(she) is registered.
3. A player being refused transfer by the ASL is allowed to appeal to the Board at no cost.
4. No person, association, league or team/club shall limit unreasonably the right of an amateur player to transfer to the team of his choice. The ASL shall grant the transfer a player within fourteen days of receipt of his appeal unless the appeal is contested.
5. In the event that the appeal is contested, the ASL will deal with the matter within fourteen days and will render its decision immediately thereafter.
6. All clubs fielding two or more senior teams in the ASL-S shall submit to the League prior to the commencement of the season and adding thereafter a list of such teams, designated as “First, Second, Third (A, B, C), etc.” A maximum of three players shall be permitted to play “up” on teams within the ASL-S in the same club in any one league and playoff game. There will be no downward movement of players. Therefore, once a player has played his/her fifth game for the “higher” level team, he/she is then made a permanent member of that team and cannot return to the “lower” team during the current season. A player cannot play up for a team of a different club. Players playing “up” to teams of the same club in the OSL or OWSL or equivalent are not bound by the ASL-S rules, but rather the rules of the respective higher league.
7. July 31st shall be the last day for a transfer of player between teams/clubs.
8. A registered player shall not be allowed to transfer their services to any other team unless he has given his club team seven days’ notice in writing, and the league administrator agrees to the transfer.
9. A player following a transfer cannot play for his/her new team in a cup competition if he/she has already played for the previously registered team in the same competition in the same season. Thus, the player would be considered cup tied. If the club to whom the player was most recently registered utilizes that player in any cup game, that player will be deemed ineligible and subject the team to withdrawal from the competition and disciplinary action.
8. Temporary/Trial Permits (OSL / OWSL)
1. Teams may use trial/temporary players as outlined in OS published rules.
2. Temporary or trial permit players will not be permitted unless the temporary or trial permit has been presented to the Referee and attached to the team sheet prior to the game. The temporary or trial permit player must produce a proof of identity in the form of an official OS player card.
3. Permits will be issued only for scheduled league games and are not permitted for cup or play-off games.
4. A maximum of two players in total on either a temporary or trial permit (combined total) will be permitted for any one game. Temporary or trial permit forms must be registered with the player’s district association at least 1 day prior to the game. A copy of the temporary or trial permit form must be in the hands of the League Administrator prior to the game that the player is participating in. The “NO CARD NO PLAY” rule shall always be adhered to.
5. In any case, where a player is not registered with the team (on temporary or trial permit) for which he/she is temporarily playing this must be clearly indicated on the team sheet with an asterisk (*) to the left of the player’s number.
6. Failure to comply shall be considered a pre-game administrative irregularity and may result in disciplinary action and result of matches that this player has been involved in being reversed.
7. A player is considered eligible for a temporary or trial permit under the condition that he/she is not registered with any other team in the ASL-S (regardless of division, competitive, recreational, etc.). Thus, the temporary or trial permit is designed to try out youth players, or players from a different league or district. A player registered to ANY competitive team from another league or district cannot be utilized on a temporary or trial permit for a recreational team in the ASL-S.
8. A player may obtain only one trial permit per season to play with the same team (each permit is eligible for a maximum of two games) in accordance with OSA policy. A player may obtain a maximum of three temporary permits within a playing season.
9. Player Eligibility – (OSL / OWSL)
1. All players shall be registered on an approved OSA registration form, by the appropriate District Association and shall be covered by Provincial medical or similar insurance.
2. All players shall be registered with the OSA at least 1 day prior to playing in a ASL-S league game and seven (7) days prior to a cup game.
3. Once a player has played in a ASL-S cup game with any team, the player is cup tied to that team for the duration of the cup schedule.
4. Teams may have no more than twenty-five (25) players registered to any one team.
5. All OSA published rules regarding signing and transfer of players shall apply that are not outlined in the published rules of the ASL-S.
6. Teams may only “call up” players from their own club. Players cannot be called up from teams at a higher playing level.
7. Players registered to an OSL, OWSL, OYSL, CSL or CGSL team cannot play up for a competitive team in the ASL-S.
8. A maximum of three “call up” players may be included on a game sheet at any one time for a league or playoff game. Call up players must be identified on the game sheet by a “CU” to the left of the player’s number.
9. Call up players or players on temporary or trial permits are not permitted for cup games.
10. A “call up” player can play a maximum of four (4) league games for the same team called up to.
11. If a “call up” player plays a fifth (5th) league game with a ASL-S team, that player is deemed ineligible unless transferred to that team in accordance with OSA policy and ASL-S rules.
12. Teams found to have used an ineligible player(s) or teams that are deemed or found to be ineligible shall forfeit the game(s) to the opposing team, provided a protest is made according to the league rules for protest and appeal.
13. Any team found guilty of using an ineligible player(s) will be subject to: Aurora Soccer League – Rules Aurora Soccer League – Senior. Operated by the Aurora Soccer Club. 510 Industrial Parkway South, Aurora, On
14. A fine of up to $500 for the first offence.
15. A fine of up to $500 for the second seasonal offence and may result in the team’s removal from the league.
10. Player Eligibility – (ASL)
1. All players shall be registered on Sports Engine Platform by May 1st, will receive player card ID and be on team roster.
2. Teams may have no more than twenty-five (25) players registered to any one team.
3. Teams may only “call up” players from their own club. Players cannot be called up from teams at a higher playing level.
4. Players registered to an OSL, OWSL, OYSL, CSL or CGSL team cannot play up for a competitive team in the ASL-S.
5. A maximum of three “call up” players may be included on a game sheet at any one time for a league or playoff game. Call up players must be identified on the game sheet by a “CU” to the left of the player’s number.
6. O35. A “call up” player can play a maximum of four (4) league games for the same team called up to.
7. O45 & Women’s. Please consult league.
8. If a “call up” player plays a fifth (5th) league game with a ASL-S team, that player is deemed ineligible unless transferred to that team in accordance with OS policy and ASL-S rules.
9. Teams found to have used an ineligible player(s) or teams that are deemed or found to be ineligible shall forfeit the game(s) to the opposing team, provided a protest is made according to the league rules for protest and appeal.
10. Any team found guilty of using an ineligible player(s) will be subject to:
11. A fine for the first offence. See application form.
12. A fine for the second seasonal offence and may result in the team’s removal from the league. See application form.
11. Other Player Movement Rules
1. A player can register for another team after the transfer deadline only if the team he/she is currently registered with folds before the season is completed.
2. However, players registered with teams that fold that are in any form of financial arrears with the ASL-S, are suspended and cannot register with another team until the financial balance is cleared ($0). The amount owing may at the discretion of the ASL-S Board of Directors, be divided among the players listed on the team that folded. These individual players may then pay their portion of the amount owing in order to make himself/herself eligible for registration with another team.
3. The ASL-S does not recognize affiliation agreements between clubs that have teams playing the ASL-S.
12. Club/Team Officials’ Responsibilities – Competitive (OSL / OWSL)
1. Home team/club shall have goal posts equipped with proper nets and shall provide a properly marked and maintained field. Home team/club shall provide four proper corner flags of at least 5 feet in height and shall provide at least two match balls acceptable to the Referee.
2. When games are played on grounds provided by the league, it shall be the responsibility of the club/team designated as home team to provide goal nets, corner flags and balls.
3. Every team must, at the time of application for membership, register its colours, home field and submit a list of names / telephone numbers, mailing addresses and e-mail addresses of two team representatives.
4. In all games, the first named team according to the official schedule, or first name drawn (out-of-hat Cup draw) shall be considered home team. Aurora Soccer League – Rules Aurora Soccer League – Senior. Operated by the Aurora Soccer Club. 510 Industrial Parkway South, Aurora, On
5. In case of conflicting shirt colours, the home team must change. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the game.
6. Players shall wear numbered shirts. Numbers must be a minimum 8 inches in height. No two players on the same team shall wear the same number. No player may change his/her number during the game without the consent of the Referee and such change must be noted on the game sheet. Each player must wear the same numbered shirt for each game.
7. Jewellery is not permitted on players during matches, unless it can be safely and securely fastened with tape (this includes medic alert tags/bracelets).
8. Player shirt numbers must correspond to the numbers on the game sheet.
9. Goalkeepers must wear colours contrasting to both teams and the Referee/Assistant Referees.
10. All team officials shall be registered with the OSA.
11. A maximum of three team officials may be associated with the team bench during games.
12. All coaches of competitive teams must be a fully accredited Coach in accordance with District & OS Published Rules.
13. Any team not complying with (j, k, l) shall be fined $200.00 and shall not be eligible to participate in league games.
13. Other Playing Rules – General
1. Each team must complete the ASL-S game sheet (legibly) and hand it to the Referee, along with the official game fee in cash, 15 minutes prior to commencement of the game. A complete game sheet is considered to include full name of each player, the playing card number of each player, the shirt number, the game date, the game number, the kick off time and the location. Please use Sports Engine for game sheets.
2. The Referee shall inspect the game sheet prior to the beginning of the game and request player card inspection if requested. The Referee shall sign the game sheet and ensure its completion and shall enter his remarks and observations as deemed necessary. He shall follow up with a prompt and detailed game/discipline Referee report as stipulated by the rules of OS. The game sheet will be provided to the league.
3. Up to eighteen players shall be listed on the team sheet and dressed for the game for the Men’s Competitive and twenty players for the Men’s Masters Divisions and Women’s Divisions. The bench shall consist of a maximum of three team officials who must be identified on the team sheet.
4. Only designated team officials and up to seven substitute players (as indicated on game sheet) or nine in the case of Men’s Masters Divisions and Women’s Divisions shall be permitted to sit on the bench.
5. Three points for a win, one point for a tie. In case of a two-way tie in the standings, the following factors shall decide the winner:
a. The head-to-head record between the tied teams.
b. The team with the most wins
c. Goal Difference
d. A deciding game.
e. Overtime and penalty kicks if necessary.
f. In the case of a three-way tie in the standing, the following factors shall decide the winner:
i. Total point in league games played between all three teams.
ii. Total goal difference of all three teams.
6. All games must be played to full regulation time, conditions and time permitting. If there is any doubt on the part of the respective captains and/or the Referee, agreement must be reached before the game to reduce the playing time to ensure that 2 equal halves can be played. If the two captains cannot agree on a suitable duration, the Referee shall decide.
7. The result of games that are abandoned after sixty-one minutes of play due to weather conditions will be allowed to stand if one team is winning by two goals or more. Otherwise, the League Board of Directors shall rule on the status of the game. Aurora Soccer League – Rules Aurora Soccer League – Senior. Operated by the Aurora Soccer Club. 510 Industrial Parkway South, Aurora, On
8. All games will be officiated by a referee and two assistant referees who are neutral in all relationships with the teams on the field of play. In the event of one or two officials not appearing for a match, the game can still continue with the remaining one or two officials.
9. Both teams must use Sports Engine to input the result of the match within 48 hours of the completion of the game. Once both teams have entered the score and there is no discrepancy, the result will stand and Sports Engine will update the standing. Failure to comply will result in a $50.00 fine for each occurrence.
14. Default of Games
1. If a team defaults a game with notice of more than 48 hours, the team is fined. All fines must be paid within 10 business days. The result will be recorded 1-0 in favour of the other team.
2. If a team provides less than 48 hours notification to the league and the opposing team of a default, the game shall be awarded to its opponents by a score of 2-0 and a fine will be levied against the defaulting team. All fines must be paid within 10 business days.
3. If a team provides less than 24 hours notification to the league and the opposing team of a default, the game shall be awarded to its opponents by a score of 3-0 and a fine will be levied against the defaulting team. All fines must be paid within 10 business days.
4. In the event of a team not showing up for a game (or showing up with less than the minimum number of players), the game shall be awarded to its opponents with a score of 4-0. The defaulting team shall pay the entire Game Official’s fee as well as a fine. All fines must be paid within 10 business days. The team that did show up will pay their half of the referee fees and will be reimbursed by the league once the team in default has paid their fine and game fees.
5. Any team that withdraws from the league competition or is expelled shall be deemed to have its membership cancelled. The team’s name shall appear at the foot of the standings for the purpose of relegation.
6. Any such team when its application for re-admission has been approved by the board or by the general members shall be considered a new team and shall be placed in the lowest division.
7. The board may declare a team/club to be “not in good standing” for such purpose as securing outstanding obligations. Should a team/club continue to violate the league rules, regulations or directives and fails to meet its obligations, the team/club shall be subject to disciplinary measures, including suspension.
8. In the event that a team defaults three games during the season, the team shall be subject to severe disciplinary measures that may include expulsion from the league.
9. All games will be played as scheduled or rescheduled unless;
10. At the discretion of the referee, postponement is necessary due to inclement weather or poor field conditions.
11. A game is postponed at the discretion of the League Director.
12. A game is postponed at the discretion of the Municipal Parks Official or owner of the property.
13. A scheduled league game conflicts with a YRSL cup game of Ontario cup game.
15. Rescheduling Of Games
1. Teams will receive a draft of the league schedule at the pre-season meeting (usually the end of March). Teams have seven days following this meeting date to advise of any changes requested. After this seven-day period, no changes to the schedule can be made.
2. If during the season a change of a game date, time or venue is deemed by the league’s Director to be necessary and appropriate, the league Director whenever possible shall advise the teams involved at least 48 hours prior to game date/time.
3. If during the season a team requests a change of game date/time, the requesting team must:
a. Provide the league with 28 days’ notice. Aurora Soccer League – Rules Aurora Soccer League – Senior. Operated by the Aurora Soccer Club. 510 Industrial Parkway South, Aurora, On
b. Have the approval of the opposing team.
c. Submit a letter to the Director stating an acceptable reason for the rescheduling and an agreeable alternative date and time for both teams. Match Director, upon request, will confirm Game Officials.
d. Submit a $200.00 fee.
4. The league reserves the right to deny a team’s request for the rescheduling of a game if the reason for rescheduling is deemed to be frivolous and will return the fee if the request is denied.
5. Home team must provide two (2) dates to replay a postponed match within three (3) weeks of the original schedule date. The visiting team must choose one of the two dates offered within five (5) days of the offer the league will assign the visiting team with the option of rescheduling the match at their field within 5 weeks of the original schedule date)
16. Cup Competition and League Play-Offs
1. All entries in cup competition shall be subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Each draw for Cup competition shall be made by random pick, 1st team drawn shall be the home team. The teams shall share the cost of game officials unless otherwise approved by the board.
2. ASL-S Cup games shall take priority over league games and thus may pre-empt scheduled league games on the same day at the discretion of the Director.
3. All Cup games and Play-Off games shall be played to a result. If the game is level after 90 minutes, then the standard penalty kick procedure will take place.
4. The board of directors in consultation with the Referee-coordinator will appoint the game officials for the Cup and Playoff FINALS.
5. Four weeks prior to the scheduled date of the cup or playoff finals or deciding games of any competition under the jurisdiction of ASL-S, the Director responsible for awards shall secure the return of the trophies from the previous holders. Teams in possession of trophies from the previous year who do not return the trophies to the league by the prescribed date will be fined $100.00. Fine must be paid prior to the team’s next scheduled game.
6. Teams participating in Cup Finals or Semi Finals may ask for a league game that is scheduled 24 hours prior to the cup match to be postponed. League games scheduled 24 hours following a cup final or semi-final match will not be re- scheduled.
7. During the playoffs for eligible divisions, the home teams must provide two distinct options (two different days) for the scheduling of quarter final and semi-final games for the visiting team to choose from. Both options must occur at least 48 hours after the offer is made to the visiting team.
17. Protests and Appeals
1. All protests shall be delivered to the League Administrator of the ASL-S and the opposing team by recorded mail or email to asl@aurorasoccerclub.com and must bear a postmark not later than three days from the date of the match. A deposit of $200.00 dollars must accompany the protest in the form of an e-transfer to treasurer@aurorasoccerclub.com or a certified cheque or money order payable to the Aurora Soccer Club. All protests will be forwarded to the ASL discipline committee for review and scheduling of a hearing if the appeal is considered valid.
2. The protesting team must be prepared to provide proof of having complied with all requirements. The onus of proof of allegations contained in the protest shall be upon the protesting team.
3. The opposing team/club protested against shall receive a copy of the protest application/letter and shall be requested to attend a hearing if scheduled and shall be notified of the outcome of the protest.
4. Fee will be returned if the protest is upheld.
5. Objection to grounds, goal posts, ball or jersey colours do not constitute grounds for a protest. Objections of this nature, however; should be reported to the Referee by half time. The Referee shall report the objections to ASL-S, which will take any necessary action to prevent its repetition. The Referee shall require the responsible team to correct the cause of objection, whenever possible, without unduly delaying the game.
6. Objections to Referee’s judgement in interpreting and enforcing FIFA Laws of the game shall not constitute grounds for protest. As dictated by FIFA Laws of the game, “the Referee’s decision on points of fact connected with play shall be final”. Every effort must be made to uphold the spirit of soccer.
7. Any team official or player dissatisfied with a decision made by ASL-S may appeal such decision to Ontario Soccer in accordance with OS’s constitution and appeals procedure and rules. Teams protesting and teams protested against shall have the right to be present when their cases are heard by the OS Board of Directors or its appointed committee.
8. In the hearing of any protest, any Director with affiliation to either of the teams involved will not be allowed to participate at the said hearing. In the event a protest is deemed “out of order” the protest will be automatically denied. The protest fee WILL NOT be returned.
18. Discipline
Please refer to the DISCIPLINE SECTION on the website. www.AuroraSoccerClub.com
19. Administration, General Rules
1. Any team/club contact changing his/her address or any team changing the contact’s name or changing its mailing address must notify the League Administrator of the ASL-S in writing within seven days of the change. Failure to do so may result in bond forfeiture.
2. The appropriate district association shall appoint all game officials for games scheduled within their district. In the event that the appointed Referee fails to make it to his game, one of the assistant referees or another Referee must be considered before resorting to cancelling the game. In the event of failure to attend by an official Referee, the game must be postponed. Under no circumstances may the teams’ concerned play a friendly (exhibition) match.
3. Any team/club in membership found guilty of inducing or attempting to induce a registered player of another ASL-S team/club to leave his team/club and join them, shall be deemed guilty of misconduct and shall be subject to disciplinary action.
4. Any game abandoned by a game official will be handled by the discipline committee.
5. A team found guilty of causing the game abandonment will forfeit the game with the score being recorded with the higher of 3-0 or the score at the time of the abandonment and be subject to a disciplinary hearing. Team found guilty of abandoning a game will be fined $500.00.
6. In the event that both teams are found guilty, no points will be awarded and both teams will be subject to a disciplinary hearing.
7. A second seasonal offence will result in a review of the team’s membership by the League Board of Directors.
20. Liability and Safety
1. The league, members of the Board of Directors and its subcommittees, shall in no event be held liable or subject to legal charges as a result of soccer-related decisions or actions taken for the league.
2. “Under the powers and duties of the referee in Law 4 – The Referee; he or she has the authority to ensure that the players’ equipment meets the requirements of Law 4, which states that a player must not wear anything that is dangerous. Modern protective equipment such as headgear, facemasks, knee and arm protectors made of soft, lightweight, padded material is not considered dangerous and are therefore permitted.”
3. “FIFA also wishes to strongly endorse the statement on the use of sports spectacles made by the international FA Board on March 10, 2001, and subsequently in FIFA circular no.750, dated April 10, 2001. New technology has made sports spectacles much safer, both for the player himself or herself and for other players. This applies particularly to younger players.” FIFA Circular 863, August 25, 2003.
4. If the elevated nature of a game or any other influencing matter were to threaten the safety of the players, the game officials or spectators, the referee will act accordingly. This includes the possibility of abandoning a match.
5. To ensure safety during a game, spectators who congregate at or near the team benches should be moved to the opposite side of the field. If this appears to be a safety concern an official can refer to action in rule above.
21. Game Official Policies
1. Game Official Fees All Divisions
2. Referee, Assistant(s). See application form as these fees change on an annual basis.
3. Cost is paid to the officials by the home in cash immediately prior to the commencement of the game.
4. Fees are not adjusted in the event that one or both assistants fail to appear. This information must be recorded on the game sheet and reported with game result information to the league.
5. ASL will notify the District Game Official Coordinator and post on its league website if a game is to be cancelled / postponed no later than 3 hours prior to the game’s kick-off. Game officials will not be paid for games that are cancelled by the league with the minimum notice. Games cancelled by the league after the minimum notice point will result in the game officials being compensated for 50% of the cost of the game fee payable from the teams involved via the league. Game official must submit game report in all instances of games played or cancelled / postponed. In this case, the game official is NOT to collect the game fee from the teams on site.
6. If a referee at the scheduled match venue must cancel / abandon a game prior to kick off for issues including; field conflict (game already in progress), unplayable field due to weather / field conditions or one team failing to show with sufficient number of players (7) , the game officials will be compensated 50% of the game fee. Game officials must submit a report to the league describing the events in order to receive compensation. The game official is NOT to collect game fee from the teams on site.
7. If a referee must declare a game to be abandoned after it has commenced, the game officials are not to return the game fee to the participating teams.
22. Fees and Fines
The Respect in Sport initiative assists coaches, referees, trainers, managers, players and spectators with identifying and dealing with abuse, neglect, harassment and bullying.
- Respect of the game.
- Respect for the Opponents
- Respect for Officials.
- Respect for Each Other.
- Respect for the Fans.
Ontario Soccer: https://www.ontariosoccer.net/respect-in-sport
Canada Soccer: https://canadasoccer.respectgroupinc.com/koala_final/
Clubhouse Bookings
Aurora Soccer Club (the ASC) maintains and welcomes public use of its meeting rooms, in keeping with its Mission to build community by sparking connections, enriching lives and contributing vibrant spaces for discovery.
established by the ASC Board.
Use of ASC meeting rooms is prioritized according to the following purposes:
• Charitable and club meetings.
• Parties, weddings and entertainment functions.
Use of the function room by any group or individual does not constitute an endorsement by the ASC Board of the individuals or renter’s policies and beliefs. The ASC will not knowingly permit any individual or groups to use its facilities in contravention of the Criminal Code of Canada.
Groups using the facilities may not limit attendance on the basis of race, colour, religion, gender identification, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability as defined by the Constitution Act,
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, 1982. All applicable Federal, Provincial and Municipal legislation and regulations, including the Human Rights Code of Ontario, must be observed at all times.
The ASC Board reserves the right to accept or refuse a reservation or to cancel any booking at its discretion. In the case of a cancellation by the ASC, any fees paid will be refunded.
The ASC Board will establish and review room rental fees at regular intervals.
If at any time, an individual or group is found to be in violation of ASC policies, the booking will be cancelled with no liability on the part of the ASC Board or staff. Any violation of this policy may render further applications or bookings for meeting rooms invalid.
• The ASC Board will not be responsible for damages, loss or theft of equipment or clothing of any applicant or anyone attending on the invitation of the applicant.
• The applicant shall indemnify and save harmless ASC Board and/or its agents from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, and demands which may be brought against or made upon ASC and/or its agents and from all losses, costs, charges and/or expenses including claims for loss of profit or economic loss, and legal costs as the result of bodily injury or death to any persons or for property damage arising out of the applicant’s use of the facility or the use by any person of said facilities under the sponsorship and/or invitation of the applicant before, after or during use of the facility pursuant to this permit.
• Applicants for room rentals must be 18 years of age or older.
• The applicant shall be responsible for the conduct and supervision of all participants in the event for which this permit is issued, and/or of those persons who are invitees of the event participants. For children and youth events, a minimum of one adult for every 10 children or youth participants under the age of 18 is required. The applicant shall ensure that all regulations contained in this permit are strictly observed. Any vandalism, littering or abusive language occurring during use of the facility pursuant to this permit shall result in immediate cancellation of this permit and/or rejection of future permit applications by the applicant.
• The applicant shall pay for all damages arising from the use of the facility where the applicant is deemed responsible. The ASC reserves the right to impose a liability deposit.
• Facility permits are valid for the location, date, time and use intended only as specified on the permit and may not be changed or altered in any manner. All additions or changes must be approved in writing by both the applicant and the ASC. The name of the person listed on the permit will be the only person allowed to make changes, additions and deletions to the permit.
In the event of a dispute regarding the status of a permit, the ASC’s copy of the permit shall govern.
• The applicant is responsible for the removal of all rented or privately owned property and personal effects by the end time specified on the permit unless prior arrangements have been made with the ASC.
• Authorization from the ASC must be secured prior to affixing any decorations. Once authorization has been granted, the applicant must ensure that all decorations are fireproof, affixed with non-marking tape and removed by the specified permit end time.
• Maximum attendance is governed by Fire Regulations, Liquor License Act Regulations, Public Health Regulations and/or any other applicable legislation. The applicant is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
• This agreement is not to be assigned or transferred.
• All organizations and individuals using the facility are responsible for keeping the facility clean.
An extra cleaning charge will be assessed if the facility is left in an unsuitable condition.
• The ASC may require the applicant to carry comprehensive general liability insurance in an amount of no less than one million dollars depending on the nature of the event for which the permit is issued. Such insurance will be carried for the rental period and will have the Town of Aurora shown as an additional insured to the policy.
• A signed copy of the permit by both an authorized representative of the ASC and the applicant(s) must be received 30 days in advance of the event, unless the applicant has made other arrangements in writing with the ASC.
• Rooms are available outside regular ASC hours subject to availability of Facility staff.
• All ASC-owned equipment must be maintained in good condition or the renter will be held responsible for the cost of repair and/or replacement.
• Illegal streaming or broadcast of copyrighted materials is strictly prohibited. The renter will indemnify the ASC and its Directors from any liability whatsoever associated with any and all streaming of content no matter what the format.
• The use of candles or open flames or incense is not permitted within the function room.
• Smoking is prohibited in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
• The holding of any form of lottery, including raffles, wheels of fortune, bingos, or social gaming events such as blackjack, is strictly forbidden, unless a lottery license has been obtained by the applicant from the Municipality or the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario. Proof of issuance of a lottery license must be submitted to the ASC for any event that will include the holding of a lottery in a permitted meeting room. Submission of a lottery license will be made no later than 14 calendar days in advance of the event or rental date.
• Food preparation, cooking or reheating must be managed and catered by an adult at the ASC.
• Fees are due upon signing the permit and must be received by the ASC 30 days in advance of the event.
• The ASC reserves the right to cancel a permit should there be a breach of any conditions or regulations, including the failure of an applicant to submit a signed permit and rental fee and, if requested, a damage deposit, or on 24 hours’ notice as required. Facility permits may be cancelled on short notice due to mechanical failures. The ASC Board shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any losses, claims or damages resulting from such changes or cancellations including any claims for loss of profit or economic loss.
• The ASC must be notified in writing of any cancellations at least 14 days in advance. Permit holders are responsible for all costs in the permit. Refunds will not be made unless notification is given in writing. Refunds will be made less 20% of contract price if notification is given at least 14 days in advance. Multiple session bookings do not qualify for an individual date cancellation refund.
• The ASC reserves the right to require police supervision or security staff at any event at the expense of the applicant. The ASC reserves the right to require a Security Deposit for any event. The eligibility and the amount of the refund for a Security Deposit will be considered the week following the event.
• In the event that the applicant is unable to gain entrance to the permitted facility, the applicant shall call the emergency contact number.
• In the event that a plumbing or electrical failure occurs at the permitted facility, the applicant shall immediately contact the emergency telephone number.
For further information please contact us at: Events@AuroraSoccerClub.com
Player Refunds
The intent of the Refund and Reduced Fee Policy is to provide our playing membership with the greatest flexibility and most economic programming possible, while also protecting their interests as it relates to unfortunate circumstances resulting in their need to withdraw from the league for extenuating circumstances.
In addition, the Refund Policy considers that a player needs to withdraw from the league for extenuating circumstances, and that the Club will give full consideration to the situation in determining the extent of the
refund, while ensuring that the Club does not incur any additional overheads in the execution of such refund.
The Aurora Soccer Club (Club) incurs costs at various stages of the registration process, which are amortized across all registrants, in association with the League they are signing up for. These fees can vary depending on the transaction value and the level of play. Listed below for illustrative purposes are some but not all of these related fees:
• League Fees, Sports Engine, Bank Processing Charges, Insurance, Uniforms, Administration and Non-Refundable 1/3 Party Fees.
If you require further information or clarification on the workings of the policy, please contact the League Manager at: ASL@AuroraSoccerClub.com
The Aurora Soccer Club is the oldest Soccer Club in York Region and we welcome sponsors at Club, Community and Team levels.
We collectively contribute to the local community and regional economy and it is our goal to maintain and enhance the best soccer facility in York Region as a haven for soccer enthusiasts. The Club is a not-for-profit organization and is run by volunteers who dedicate effort and time for the benefit of Club, Members and Town Residents.
Annual clubhouse traffic exceeds 3,000 players and event attendees per year, with the peak season being between May through October. The club has more than 700 playing members, ranging in age from 18 to over 80. The club boasts over 30 teams, both women and men. The club runs a variety of events including Oktoberfest, charity events, private rentals of the club house, as well as fielding multiple teams in the Newmarket Darts league which play out of the Aurora Club house.
For sponsorship enquiries, please contact us at: Info@AuroraSoccerClub.com
Ontario Soccer
The Aurora Soccer Club follows the governing documents of Ontario Soccer.